Beauty Blogger Collaboration: Makeup Through The Ages -1960


Do you see the title of this blog collaboration?!?! I am beyond ecstatic to be doing this wonderful “Makeup Through the Ages” post with a bunch of other amazing beauty bloggers from all over the world! Awhile back I had asked my followers to take part in this awesome collaboration with me!  🙂 As you may know, makeup has changed quite a bit throughout time. Our blog collaboration will take our readers on a journey through the ages starting with Egyptians, skipping numerous years, then the roaring 1920s to present day, and then of course futuristic! I can’t wait to see what all the other ladies came up with!

My Decade


I picked the 1960s for a couple of reasons! I love the music! I am a big classic rock fan. I love the song, “House of the Rising Sun” by The Animals. I posted a YouTube video just in case you have never heard of it! I, of course, also loved THE BEATLES! They’re one of my favorite bands!

A Little History Lesson! 

1960 JFK (John F. Kennedy) beats Richard Nixon in the presidential election to become the 35th US President. The book “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published.
1961 “West Side Story” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” comes to the big screen.
1962 Marilyn Monroe dies of an overdose. World wide television and cable became a reality. Eleanor Roosevelt dies. My amazing mum is born!
1963 The Beatles take Britain by storm. JFK is assassinated. My amazing dad is born!
1964 Bob Dylan becomes popular. Color television! The first primetime Soap Opera “Peyton Place” appears on television. Martin Luther King Jr. gets the Nobel Peace Prize.
1965 “The Sound of Music” premieres. Martin Luther King Jr. works on the Voting Rights Act.
1966 The first “Star Trek” episode aires. Walt Disney dies.
1967 PBS is created. “The Jungle Book” comes out. 
1968 “60 Minutes” first airs. The movie rating system starts (PG, PG-13, Rated R, etc.) Martin Luther King Jr. dies.
1969 “Sesame Street” was born. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon.

Information found here and here.

The 1960s Beauty Trends

I did do some research online, but I got most of my information from my grandparents who grew up in the 1960s.

  • Dramatic makeup looks.
  • Pedal Pushers! Which in today’s age are known as capris.
  • The mini skirt makes its way into fashion!
  • Big Hair!!!! Lots of volume! Remember the movie “Hairspray” and their crazy volume?!? That takes place in the 1960s.
  • A lot of black liner!
  • Cut creases (mostly used black)
  • Nude lips also became popular in the 1960s. But, my grandma said that in the early 1960s, red lips were super popular!
  • Colorful eye looks!
  • Thick full lashes on both the bottom and top as worn by Twiggy in the 1960s.
  • The Nurses hat! (So glad I don’t have to wear that in my nursing career)!


When I first decided I was going to do the decade of the 1960s, I of course, wanted to do a blue eye-shadow look because it just screams the 1960s in my opinion. When I was talking to my grandmas, they both said blue eye-shadow was the craze. I have never done a cut crease, so my look is going to be a little softer than the Twiggy version of a cut crease with an intense black line.


I love my Nyx Jumbo pencil in milk because it definitely helps eyeshadows pop, especially a blue shade. I layered that on top of my Lorac Behind the Scenes Eye Primer. The white base does not need to be perfect because, well, it will be turning blue here soon…


I recently got the Mac Fix+ because I visited my first ever Mac store and felt like this was a good purchase. Basically, I sprayed my eyeshadow brush with this Mac Fix+ to moisten it and that helped make the shadow more pigmented and  give it a more harsh look.

perfect duo

There I am adding the crazy blue shadow single which is from the amazing brand of Urban Decay and in the shade Peace. I recently got a new makeup mirror, as you can see in the photo, and I love it! I will be doing a post on that sometime soon.

blue shadow

I never ever wear winged eyeliner, so I’ll be honest, this was really new to me. Therefore, ….. TAPE! I applied tape so I would get it even. Placement of the winged eyeliner is supposed to follow the bottom lash line into a wing. But, before you add fresh tape onto your poor little delicate under eyes, put it on your hand first to take away some of the stickiness. I used 2 different eyeliners for this look. The first one I used is by Collection and it is their 24 hour felt tip eyeliner. I used that along the lashline and the wing (basically the whole eyeliner part). The second eyeliner was just a little blacker, so I added that eyeliner on top of the one from Collection. That eyeliner is from The Balm and it is their Schwing liquid eyeliner.


This was probably the hardest part of the look. Making it look like a “cut crease.” As you can see in the photo, I just took the shade Blackout and applied it in the crease. I did blend it a little bit so it isn’t quite the same as Twiggy. But, you get the point. I also applied some Blackout shadow under my lash line as well.

adding in the black

Time for mascara! I decided to try the Rimmel London Scandaleyes Retro Glam mascara. I really wanted dark voluminous lashes and I didn’t want to have to put fakes ones on, so this was the next best thing.


I wanted to add a little shimmer to my look, therefore, The Balm’s Overshadow in Work is OverRated comes to the stage.

finishing touch

Apparently in the 1960’s a lot of people would shave off their eyebrows and draw them on. They did draw them in on the heavier side and more of a straight line. Yeah, I’m not going to do that.


I used the products that I usually use from day to day. In the 1960s they liked more of a matte over a dewy finish. I used Porefessional from Benefit for a primer. Then, my tarte Amazonian clay foundation in Light Sand. Finally, I finished off with my bareMinerals Mineral Veil powder.


Time for some bronzer, highlighter, and some blush. I hardly ever wear bronzer, ever! But, I decided to use my Pur Minerals Mineral Glow. The highlighter I used is the famous Mary-Lou Manizer from The Balm. In the 1960s they wore a lot of coral blush. Hence, I thought that my Sleek blush in the shade coral would be perfect to add to this look.


I really wish that I would have worn a nude lipstick, because I have the perfect one. I did wear a red lipstick because my grandma had said that in the early 1960s, red was popular and that during that time they came out with more shades: nudes, pinks, etc. I just finally had a reason to wear a red lipstick. I used my Urban Decay Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Color in the shade Theodora. I got it in my Theodora palette from The Great and Powerful Oz.



1) In the 1960s, they wore a lot of hair accessories. So I decided to use my headband (from Maurices) for some extra 1960s style. I just parted my hair on the side and put the headband into place. Then I combed back the rest of the hair that was behind the headband.
2) Since they ratted their hair a lot to get extreme volume I decided to try this voluminizing powder from Not Your Mothers. It did work pretty well, because I was able to comb through my ratted hair with no difficulty. Do not try ratting your hair without using a powder like this, otherwise it will be a snarly mess.
3) After applying the powder in the roots, I took a comb and started ratting.
4) For some extra volume I decided to have a little mini bun that the ratted hair from step 3 will cover.
5) I just continued to rat all my hair around the headband, until it looked something like this…
6) Pin back the hair with a bobby pin making sure to cover the bun. I did have a flower clip that I placed over the bobby pins. You will be able to see it in the photos below.



This is my completed look. I really like that it looks very 1960s. Comment if you agree?!? This eye look is obviously not an everyday look, but they sure loved their blue eyeshadow back then.

completed makeup


This is probably where I had the most fun with this collaboration. Picking out my outfit!! I feel like the neckline of the shirt I’m wearing is perfect! In the 1960s they wore a lot of rounded collar necklines, whether it be a shirt or a dress, that style was in. It is also a perfect blue shade! I of course spotted this shirt at Maurices. No surprise there! My pedal pushers or capris (whatever you prefer to call them) are also from Maurices. They didn’t usually wear blue jean pedal pushers (like in today’s age), but more khaki or colorful ones instead. My black flats I have had forever, but I’m 99.9% sure I got them at Famous Footwear. My necklace I felt was very fitting for this decade with the silver hoops. That is from the jewelry company, “Premier Designs.” Both my earrings and bracelet are from Maurices. They would wear big hoop earrings, but this was the most dangly earring I had.

outfit 1

outfit 2

Since hardly anybody has heard of a Shiba Inu in today’s age, I’m sure Shiba Inus were quite rare then. But, that didn’t stop me from taking some photos with my pup Mirya! She is so photogenic!



That concludes this post! I hope that you enjoyed reading it. Let me know what you think of my makeup, hair, and outfit. I had a lot of fun doing this. Doing 1960s makeup and hair isn’t the easiest, so I am glad that I don’t have to rat my hair like they did back in the day. Also, so glad that I don’t have to wear those white nurses hats. Make sure to check out all the other lovely ladies’ posts that are part of this.

Egyptians/Cleopatra Angela 

1920 Soph from Little Bit Soph

1930 Meagan from A Beauty Obsession 

1940 Olivia from Eye Have A Lot of Feelings

1950 Heather from Coconut & Cotton

1960 Brittany from The Beauty Deputy (Me)

1970 Michelle from Pretty in the East 

1980 Christina from a casual beauty 

1990 Jacquelyn from the Little Scottish Corner

2000 Stephanie Wright 

Present Day Barbe from Fashionista in Surburbia  

Futuristic  Becky from MakeupandFreckles


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Day 27: An OOTD and FOTD!

So this outfit of the day and face of the day was actually what I wore yesterday. I went to the town where both my brothers live. I even sold back my Iphone at Best Buy and received a gift card and walked out with a Nintendo Wii U. Nintendo <3! I was happy that I got so much back on my Iphone! Team Android!

I did post some of these photos on my Instagram and Twitter, but I thought it would be fun to do a post about them.

I got this outfit from Maurices! Who would have thought?!? Lol, love that store! I also used one of my newest palettes, Too Faced Chocolate Bar for my FOTD. The picture doesn’t capture its shimmer at all. Comment if you have any advice on capturing photos to get the full effect of an eye look. I am really loving this palette! It is amazing! I will be doing a review sometime soon! I also got my feather necklace at Maurices as well.



Mirya being adorable!



Do you see me wearing capris and sandals!?! So glad that the Minnesota Winter is finally over! It was a little chilly, but I didn’t care! Sandals are out to stay!


My hair clips that I got from Wal-Mart.


The bow ring that I thought was adorable that I got from JCPenney.


I recently got a new curling wand and my hair was still super curly at the end of the day! Usually my hair doesn’t stay curled very well so I was pleasantly surprised!


Comment and let me know what you think! Hope you’re all having an amazing weekend!

Make sure to enter my giveaway! It will end the last day of this month!!!

Also, don’t forget to check out my previous posts from this month during the #30daysofthebeautydeputy

Day 26: Get Ready with Me Blog Hop

Day 25: Pacifica Natural Lip Tint Review

Day 24: Watch Mirya, my Shiba Inu, Grow!

Day 23: My Essie Nail Polish Collection

Day 22: Lush Charity Pot Lotion Review

Day 21: What I would buy if I had $500-$1000 to spend on beauty products…

Day 20: Happy Easter and The Beauty Scenario Tag

Day 19: April 2014 Ipsy Glam Bag

Day 18: Easter Goodies!

Day 17: My Niece Does my Makeup

Day 16: Wizard of Oz Collection by Julep

Day 15: Kat Von D Esperanza Palette Review

Day 14: Soap & Glory Endless Glove

Day 13: My Top 10 Youtube Beauty Gurus

Day 12: The Spring Tag

Day 11: Beauty Box 5

Day 10: Discuss with Me #3

Day 9: Fortune Cookie Soap Spring Box

Day 8: No 3 month No-Buy

Day 7: My Weekend & an Ulta Sale

Day 6: Tag 10 Beauty Mistakes I Used to Make

Day 5: Only One Tag


Day 3: Miranda’s Tangerine Natural Lip Balm

Day 2: March Favorites

Day 1: Beauty & Fashion Spring Picks Blog Hop

Follow me! Bloglovin Twitter Facebook Instagram

Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!



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Just wanted to share with you all my outfit of the day and my face of the day! This is my first time doing a post like this so I am excited about it!


Whole outfit from Maurices

You can get the shirt here





Using the Naked 3




Hope you enjoyed this quick short post! Comment and let me know if you want to see more posts like this!



The Beauty Deputy