TAG: The Valentine’s Tag!!!

So I saw this blog tag on Reviews/Ramblings & Randomness and I thought it was a good idea. You can check her blog out here. I thought it was the perfect time to do this tag because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow.

So here are the questions!!!

What is your favorite Valentine’s Day treat?
I don’t really have a specific Valentine’s Day treat, but if I lived closer to The Cheesecake Factory I’m sure that would be it. If you don’t know what The Cheesecake Factory is, that is where Penny works from The Big Bang Theory. Although in real life it is much more fancier and they wear all white instead of what Penny wears. My favorite cheesecake from there is the Dutch Apple Caramel Streusel!!!  Otherwise I love chocolate covered strawberries. Yum yum yum!!!

Sweethearts or chocolate covered strawberries?
Chocolate covered strawberries! I do love Sweethearts, but chocolate covered strawberries win by miles and miles.

What was your favorite Valentine’s Day memory?
During grade school making Valentine’s Day boxes and getting to pick out Valentines at the store to bring for my classmates. It was always a competition on who had the best Valentine’s Day box between the classmates. There were a lot of creative boxes throughout the years.

What movie would you rather watch on Valentine’s Day: “Pretty Woman” or “You’ve Got Mail”?

I would rather watch Pretty Woman because I haven’t seen You’ve Got Mail. So I suppose I should actually watch the one I haven’t seen. Comment down below if you think I should watch this movie.

What celeb would you not mind having as your Valentine?
I was never ever celebrity obsessed. I would love to have my boyfriend as my Valentine! But, I guess I’ll take this question seriously. I would have to say Channing Tatum!

What would you do on your perfect Valentine’s Day date?
I would love to go out to a fancy dinner and then end with a movie or a play. My boyfriend and I love going to the Cheesecake Factory. Yum yum yum!!! We would have started the day out by stopping by Mall of America of course!

Red or pink lips on Valentine’s Day?

Pink lips! I never wear red lips!

What is your ideal Valentine’s Day date outfit?

I would say a dress! But, Minnesota isn’t very nice right now with it being Winter, so I guess a sweater dress with leggings, a scarf, and boots.

Homemade or store-bought gifts?

Homemade! Love homemade gifts because of the time that it takes to make them. It makes them more special!

Would you wear your hair up or hair down for a date night?
Down. I’m horrible with doing hairstyles with my hair. I’m either a wear hair down or up in ponytail type girl. If I was amazing and doing hair I would say hair up.

So that concludes this tag! I’m going to tag anybody and everybody that reads this! Comment in the comment section and let me know if you end up doing this tag!

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!! OR VALENTINE’S DAY EVE!!! OR HAPPY BELATED VALENTINE’S DAY! Depends on what time zone you’re in and when you’re reading this!



The Beauty Deputy

TAG: Spread the Love

So here is a tag that I made up!

There may be forms of it out there, but this is my own version. This tag is out there to spread the love to all bloggers out in the world. My blog is focused on beauty, makeup, skincare, and of course my pets show up quite a bit in my blog posts too. The point of this tag is to make other bloggers aware of other blogs to follow. Blogging is a community in my eyes. I love reading people’s blog posts and I love reading comments and responses.

The Rules

  • Place bloggers into categories that you think fits their blog down below
  • Place the person that tagged you into a category
  • Write what category you think that other bloggers will place you in and why
  • Feel free to add whatever categories you think should be part of this tag
  • Spread the Love!!!

Here are the categories…

1. THE BEST BLOG LOOK: this is the blogger that has one of the best blog themes or looks.

This category goes to… Victoria from The Boom Boom Room. I really like her blog look with the high heels. I just think that it is super cute and fitting for her blog. I also like her tag-line.

2. THE BEST WRITING STYLE: this is the blogger that has a writing style that you find intriguing and attention getting. 

This category goes to..Effie Wright. I love her writing style, it just draws me right into her blog posts. You can tell she is an English major and is very talented with writing. I also love talking with Effie through back and forth comments. She seems like a sweet down to earth gal.

3. THE FAITHFUL BLOGGER: this is the blogger that is always commenting on other bloggers posts and is very faithful on posting their own blog posts.

This category goes to…Jacquelyn from the Little Scottish Corner. I could give her a bunch of other categories too because I love reading her blog posts. But, she is always been a faithful commenter of mine. Her blog is always drawing me in! When I see a post from this girl I have to read it!! A recent post of hers was her blogging resolutions and that was a big part of why she got this category.

4. THE ADVICEE: this blogger is always trying out new products and a good blogger to ask advice regarding a product.

This category goes to…Jen from Dragonfly reviews. She always gives quick short reviews on all sorts of products whether it be makeup, skincare, or nail polish. If I have a question on a product Dragonfly reviews has probably reviewed it.

5. THE MAKEUP JUNKIE: this blogger loves makeup and everything about it.

This category goes to…Wendy from wendydotdinh. I think Wendy and I have a lot in common because we both love eye shadow palettes. She has a lot of nice reviews on palettes such as: Urban Decay Naked 3, Illamasqua Fatale palette, and many more. Also how could I forget about the lovely Perfect Palette Tag that got me started on her blog.

6. THE SKINCARE JUNKIE: this blogger is all about skincare.

The category goes to…Benita from Benita’s beauty bits and bobs. I would have to say that she is the Lush product Queen. If I have a question about a Lush product I know who to ask. She is always reviewing bath bombs, fresh face masks, and much more.

7.  THE BEST PICTURES: the blogger always has high quality pictures.

This category goes to…Caryl from carylalmelor.com. I really like her pictures. Just take a look at her blog and you will see why. I really like that she has a little something extra in the background like a flower.

8. THE LIGHT BULB: this blogger is always coming up with amazing new ideas for blog posts. 

This category goes to…Lucy from Miz Lulu. She has quite a lot of different kinds of posts: traveling, baking, makeup, and many more. She always has new ideas up her sleeve.

9. THE EYESHADOW TUTORIAL GURU: this blogger is always posting new and exciting makeup looks.

This category goes to…Lucy from Makeup Crazy! She is always posting amazing eye shadow looks! Also she posts an assortment of them. If you like neutral looks or if you like colorful looks Makeup Crazy has that covered. She is very talented at makeup and I love reading her blog posts!


The category goes to….I don’t know! But I still thought it was a good category to include. Hopefully I will be able to find someone to fill this category once people start tagging other people.

11. THE NAIL POLISH GURU: this blogger is posting nail polish tutorials.

This category goes to…Laurelle from Paint Me Pretty. She has some pretty amazing nail looks. I especially loved the ones during Christmas time. Go to her blog and check out how amazing they are.

12. THE HIGHLY FASHIONABLE OOTDs: this blogger has a big sense of fashion and has amazing OOTDs.

This category goes to… Joanna from Joannaloves. She has an amazing fashion sense and is always posting adorable OOTDs. I bet that her closet is amazing!

13. THE EMERGER: this blogger is always trying out new brands and doesn’t settle for just one.

This category goes to…Michelle from Pretty in the East. She is always trying out new brands whether it be Urban Decay, The Balm, Julep, and many more. She has some amazing reviews. I especially love her julep subscription box reviews.

14. THE UNIQUE BLOGGER NAME: this is the blogger that has a very unique blogger name.

This category goes to…Victoria from Inside My Wonderland. I just love her blog name because it’s simple but unique. It makes me think of Alice in Wonderland! I love reading her blog! She has some amazing posts whether it be about foundation reviews, new product hauls, and many more. Also this girl can sport whatever hair style she wants and look amazing doing it!

15. THE UNIQUE TAGLINE: this blogger has a tagline that catches the attention and draws you in.

This category goes to…Mary from My Trip Down the Beauty Aisle. I love her tagline, it is very sweet. “A Girl, A Dream, A Palette Full of Color.” I love her blog because she does awesome makeup looks with a “palette full of color.”

16. THE SUBSCRIPTION BOX GURU: The blogger that has the most information on subscription boxes.

This category goes to the one and only…The Subscriptionist. She has a whole blog dedicated to subscription boxes. She was my inspiration for getting the BarkBox for Mirya my Shiba Inu. She has so many subscription boxes that she reviews and a lot of them are ones I’ve never heard of such as: Plated and Conscious Box.

The Category that I think other bloggers will give me…

The Emerger because I always try out new brands!! I’ve tried Urban Decay, Stila, Sigma, Too Faced, Flower Beauty, Bh Cosmetics, and many more.

Well that ends this tag! I hope you enjoyed it!

It will be interesting to see how far this tag travels around.



The Beauty Deputy