My new Shiba Inu puppy Mirya!!!

I just wanted to take the time to share that I got a new shiba inu puppy. I got her on Tuesday October 8th. Shiba inus originate from Japan. Not many people have heard of this breed but it is very common and popular in Japan and becoming more common here. She was born on July 7 2013 and she was the runt of the litter. So right now she is 3 months old and still a little squirt! Her whole name is Miss Mirya Mae, but of course we just call her Mirya. Her name is pronounced as meere-ahh. I also have a cat named Miss Molly Mae, but we just call her Molly .
I am hoping that some day they become best friends!


The night that I picked Mirya up!


Mirya and her new bed!


A close up of Mirya


So cute!


Mirya and her tennis ball.


Mirya and I outside


A close up of Mirya and I outside.

The above video is  Mirya playing with a giant stick out in the yard. Hope you enjoy!

So far potty training has gone really well. So has nighttime. She hardly says a peep at night. She loves being outside! Let me know if you have any questions on Mirya and Shiba Inus and if you want to see pictures of her as she grows up posted on my blog.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed my photos of my new puppy.