The 7 Deadly Sins of Makeup

The 7 Deadly Sins: Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Lust, & Envy

I saw this post going around the blogging world and I thought it was a cool post to do!

Greed: What’s your most expensive beauty item?
That would be my Marc Jacobs Scarlet palette! I don’t even want to say the price, because anything Marc Jacobs is expensive! I would love to own one of his perfumes one day!

Wrath: What item do you have a strong love/hate relationship with?

This is not necessarily a certain nail polish, but nail polishes all together! I love painted nails, but my nails always seem to chip too fast. I love the way it looks! I hate the application and the longevity of it.

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Gluttony: What brand takes up most of your collection?

Urban Decay!! I have quite a few Urban Decay palettes so they do take up most of my collection. Here are some of them below, but not all of them.

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Sloth: What product do you ignore the most due to laziness?

Bronzer because it seems like too much work! I am also not that good at applying it yet. I think I need to get a better brush for it.

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Pride: Which product gives you the most confidence?

Eye Shadows! Here is a picture from my Perfect Palette Tag post! I love playing with color! I feel like I can be creative with eye shadows and make a bunch of different looks. I love neutral looks and I love bold colorful looks.


Lust: What item is at the top of your list?

Eye Shadows again! But, lately I’ve  been loving my Naked palettes. I think they’re the perfect palettes for Winter time!


Envy: Which makeup product/look looks great on others but not on you?

Red Lips! I love the look of a bold lip! I just don’t think that I look good with bold lips. But, I have also never really tried it that much, due to it being in my “uncomfortable” zone.


I think that the Lime Crime Velvetines look lovely as shown above. More information here: Maybe I will sport a red lip someday!


Snow White does the red lip the best! I hope to do a Disney series of makeup looks which Snow White would involve a red lip!

Well this was a cute short post! Comment and let me know if you decide to do this post!