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One Lovely Blog Nomination!

I was nominated for the One lovely Blog Award by MY TRIP DOWN THE BEAUTY AISLE! Thank you so much for the nomination! I really appreciate it! Also your cat is adorable!!!!  One Lovely Blog award

Here are the rules for award:

Thank the one that nominated you.

Put up the picture for the One Lovely Blog Award.

Tell everyone seven things about yourself.

Nominate seven other people and tell them you have nominated them!

Seven facts about me…

1) I am a Registered Nurse and I work at a hospital on the medical-surgical floor. I wish that I could open up my own Alzheimer’s care center. It’s just such a sad disease, it is hard on the person, but also hard on the family. My care center would be located on a farm. There would be animal therapy, music therapy, etc. I just feel like people with dementia or Alzheimer’s don’t get the care they deserve in nursing homes.

2) I love panda bears! Ever since I was little I’ve loved panda bears! I have a million panda figurines and panda stuff animals from when I was little. My grandma also one time made me a panda bedspread when I was a little girl! If it was up to me I would be living in San Diego, CA and working at the San Diego Zoo with the panda bears. That is my dream, but it is also very unlikely that it will come true. I have been to the San Diego Zoo once and that was the first time I got to see an actual panda bear. That was the summer of 2010. Someone told me I should get a panda tattoo, I don’t think that I will go that far.

3) I love colors, but my favorite color changes. In high school it was blue, but now blue is now low my list of favorite colors. Right now my favorite color is purple. Before then it used to be red. I also love the color green. If I had my own makeup line my packaging would be very colorful!

4) I used to hate makeup. In high school I never wore makeup. I felt like I didn’t need to fit into society’s norms of women wearing makeup. Sure, I wore it for special occasions like prom and weddings, but I had other people do my makeup. I also could have had a hatred for makeup because I was in dance for 13 years and I was forced to wear makeup. Then around the year 2010 I started wearing the makeup from Avon and decided to start selling it (I no longer sell Avon, I sold it for about a year). So that was where my makeup enthusiasm was born. But, I do give most of the credit to Sephora. They had just completed a brand new Sephora at the JCPenney’s in the St. Cloud, MN mall. At that time I had no idea what Sephora was, but I heard my sister in law say she liked that place. I didn’t go in there for months because I felt like I had enough Avon makeup and at that time I was still a consultant, but wasn’t really selling it anymore. I sort of thought I would be a trader if I went to Sephora. Well anyway I decided to go there and I saw The Great and Powerful Oz Glinda palette and I loved the colors and decided to swatch them. The pigmentation blew me away. I didn’t get the palette right away. I ended up ordering it online with a coupon code. So that ended up being my first non Avon makeup palette and after that my enthusiasm for makeup grew and grew and grew and now I am blogging about it.

5) I love animals! I think that I already clarified that I love panda bears. But, I love dogs and cats. I have a dog named Mirya who is a shiba inu and a cat named Molly. I also have a family dog named Maddie who lives at my parents house who is now 10 years old. I also wish I could have my own horses. I grew up going to my grandma’s farm where she had horses and I just loved it as a kid.

6) Family is the most important part of my life. I would not be who I am today without them. I would not have accomplished what I have without them by my side. I owe my family a lot, especially my parents. I love my awesome boyfriend and am excited for what the future will bring us.

7) I love Disney themed everything! I love sitting down and watching a Disney movie. I don’t care if I am almost 25, I still enjoy watching ,” The Little Mermaid” just as much as my little 5 year old niece. Yes, I am buying the blue-rays of all the Disney movies when they come out. My most recent purchase was, “The Little Mermaid.” I went to Disney World in 2001 and I would love to go again! I also love Disney themed makeup!

Well I hope you found my 7  facts about me entertaining to read.

My nominees include:

1) Pretty in the East http://prettyintheeast.wordpress.com/

2) The Little Scottish Corner http://thelittlescottishcorner.wordpress.com/

3) amysbeautydiary http://amysbeautydiary.wordpress.com/page/2/

4) Inside my Wonderland http://insidemywonderland.com/

5) Stephanie Wright http://effiewright.wordpress.com/

6) DebE http://debelloyd.com/

7) capitolbeauty http://capitolbeauty.wordpress.com/ Ready set go!

9 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Nomination!

  1. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award Nomination! | Pretty in the East

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